Is NPD Process Really Needed?

new product development process

New products, whether or not they take the shape of new applications, new innovations, or entirely new goods, are critical factors to the success of a business. The concept of new product development process is to provide new value to the customer.  It’s what keeps the company growing.  Your business needs to engage in the

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Open Your Mind To Innovation

open your mind to innovation

Mental Habits Lead To Innovation Some of the greatest inventions came out of problems and challenges the inventors were having in their lives. These investors decided to focus on the solution instead of giving all their energy and thought to the problem. Dr. Scholl’s foot medications for example would not have been around if people

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Product Development: Identify Stage

identify stage in product development

What’s up Innovators? Today, we’ll take a deep dive into one of the first and most important step in the Product Development which is the Identify Stage. What does it really mean to identify? Again, we are using a very simple framework at Hill Innovative Solutions. It has an acronym I-D-E-A: Minimizing The Risks We

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New Product Development Process: Idea Generation

idea generation

Follow along as I breakdown the process of New Product Development. An overview of the process that Big Rocks Engineering uses in our everyday execution of projects. Speaker: Mike Hill Full Video: Hill Innovative Solutions, now Big Rocks Engineering is a new product development company where we work with inventors, entrepreneurs and small business

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7 Best Source of Innovation Success

7 Best Source of Innovation Success

Everyone wants the next best idea. The organization that fails to continually innovate new products and services will not survive long. But not all innovations produce commercial success. A new business idea must offer customers exceptional utility at an attractive price, while delivering a tidy profit. According to Peter Drucker (Harvard Business Review, 2002), most innovative business ideas emanate from

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Know Your Customers, Know Your Business

market research

Having a competitive advantage over other businesses targeting the same market as yours is a basic, survival must: many choose to develop long-term relationships with their customers, in an attempt to create such competitive advantage. Knowing your customers is crucial, and it is quite a different thing from knowing their buying behavior. It is every

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